Data Playground


Mary van Valkenburg

View My GitHub Profile

Hosted NSS Student Maps

DA1 Scooter Project

Avg trips for scooters in July

Unknown scooters in June

Average idle times in May

DA1 Johnston & Murphy project

Comp Percent heat map with JM store locations

DDA1 hubNashville Project

Covid-19 hubNashville Requests as of early May 2020

Trash Related hubNashville Requests as of early May 2020

DA3 E911 Project

911 Calls During March 2020 Tornado

911 Calls During May 2020 Derecho

911 Calls During May 2020 Derecho by zipcode

911 Calls During March 2020 Tornado by zipcode

Top 10 Incident Types March 2020 Tornado

DDA2 E911 Project

NW Davidson County Calls and Dispatches 2020 March Tornado and May Derecho

E911 Calls by ZipCode May 2020 Tornado

E911 Calls by ZipCode May 2020 Derecho

Combined 2020 Tornado and Derecho calls by Zipcode + Census Tract with Economic Information

DA3 Covid-19 Project

Locations of Covid-19 Clusters and Reported Violations

DS4 Covid-19 Project

Locations of Covid-19 Clusters and Reported Violations

DDA2 SmileOn Project

Age and Poverty Map

Big Four Map

DA4 miscellaneous


Lipscomb MSDS Project

The Lipscomb University Data Science Masters Program included coursework in Principles of Data Science, Information Structures, Principles of Statistical Analysis & Decision Modeling, Research Methods, Big Data Management & Analytics, Data Mining and Analysis, Predictive Analytics, Case Studies in Data Science, and a two part practicum in designing and executing a data science project.

Practicum - Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data & Newspaper Letters-to-the-Editor to Detect Learned Helplessness in the Public Sphere

For the thesis project I performed, with my research partner, sentiment analysis on tweets and newspaper letters-to-the-editor that were published in the 30 days following mass school shootings (shootings in which 4 or more people were killed) at

Our hypothesis in this study was that we would see societal learned helplessness as evidenced by a muting of sentiment (particularly anger) and an overall decline in response to these events. You can read more about the data pipeline for this project here.

Coursera - Johns Hopkins Data Science Specialization

This certification included coursework on Getting and Cleaning Data, Exploratory Data Analysis, Reproducible Research, Statistical Inference, Regression Models, Machine Learning, and Developing Data Products using the R programming language. Below are three projects I completed on as part of this effort.

Predicting Correctness of Technique for Weightlifters

This prediction exercise was part of the Practical Machine Learning course. A model was trained using Random Forest to predict the correctness of technique given feedback data collected from wearable sensors that showed an individual’s weightlifting mechanics.

Shiny Vendor Payments

My first Shiny app was a simple data filter to view payments to vendors by the state of Tennessee by agency and fiscal year.

Predict-A-Tron 3000

My second Shiny app was part of the specialization’s capstone project. It implements a next word prediction algorithm I constructed based on the Markov assumption. The data for this project originated in three separate corpora of tweets, news, and blog posts. After creating tables of n-grams and their frequency counts, the algorithm applies Katz’s backoff principle (searching the last three words in the 4-gram table, followed by a search of the last two words in the trigram table, and finally the last single word in the bigram table) to find the most likely next word given the input text.

Just for fun

Chicken Permits in Metro Nashville

Using Nashville Open Data and Carto maps, I created this visualization of where the chickens are.

Exploring My Google Search History

I wanted to see what I’d been searching for in 2016 and 2017. This knitted RMD file tells the story.

powerbi test


Ingram 2023

Residence - NSS students beginning class July-December 2023

November 2021 Job Maps

NSS Employers as of November 2021


SE Applicants 2022 Q3 and Q4

2022Q3Q4 SE applicant locations 2023 - 2025 cohort gannt chart

NSS Applicant locations 2020-2024 (as of 8/12/2024)

NSS applicant locations 1/1/2020 - 8/12/2024

NSS Student locations 2020-2024 (as of 8/12/2024)

NSS student locations by application date 1/1/2020 - 8/12/2024